2020年10月29日 | Palais Brongniart 28, place de la Bourse 75002 Paris France

Climate Finance Day 2020


初め 2020年10月29日 09:00
終わり 2020年10月29日 18:00
部門 Member event
場所 Palais Brongniart 28, place de la Bourse 75002 Paris France
主催者 Finance for Tomorrow
登録 Invitation only
WWW https://www.climatefinanceday.com/

Sustainable finance :
How to reboot the European real economy?

While the world economy is experiencing an unprecedent challenging situation, the Green New Deal, if appropriately designed and funded, could be the post-crisis rebooting plan driving the European economy towards a low-carbon and resilient pattern.

Spearheading financial innovations for the green transition, the European financial industry should mobilize to support the implementation of the Green Deal and serve the needs of the real economy.


The 6th Climate Finance Day will be fully dedicated to these issues with the theme "Sustainable finance: how to reboot the European real economy?”

This year's edition will focus on the EU policies as well as local issues. It will also showcase public and private financial mechanisms and tools available or to be designed in order to meet the needs of the different sectors of the European economy.
