2025年7月4日 | Royal Jersey Showground, A8, Trinity, Jersey JE3 5JP, Jersey

Rising Stars Awards 2025


初め 2025年7月4日 09:00
終わり 2025年7月4日 17:00
部門 Member event
場所 Royal Jersey Showground, A8, Trinity, Jersey JE3 5JP, Jersey
主催者 Jersey Finance
登録 Invitation only
WWW https://www.jerseyfinance.je/events/rising-stars-awards-2025/

The Rising Stars Awards provide a fantastic opportunity for Member firms to recognize and reward exceptional young professionals aged 16-30 for their achievements in the industry. Winners will be announced at a prestigious gala ceremony on Friday, July 4, at the Royal Jersey Showground.

Member firms can support the event by purchasing a table for 10 or individual tickets, available on a first-come, first-served basis. To ensure fair access, each firm may initially purchase one table, with additional tables available via a waitlist. Individual ticket holders may be seated at mixed networking tables if booked separately.
