2024년 6월 24일 | Online

WAIFC Expert Workshop: Data Flows with Trust

행사 세부사항

시작일 2024년 6월 24일 오전 11:00
종료일 2024년 6월 24일 오후 12:00
카테고리 WAIFC event
개최지 Online
등록 free
웹사이트 https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYuceitrTwoE9xeDjjMsqN0W-TMwGEobfVO#/registration

The WAIFC Expert Workshops are a new initiative designed to share best practices among our members. We focus on the most relevant topics and engage leading experts within our communities.

We also extend invitations to our observers and other financial centers to participate in these workshops, which are held both online and at our members' premises. The formats range from brief webinars to multi-day events.

The first Expert Workshop on using AI in digital marketing for financial centers took place on June 4, 2024. You can find more details about it here.

We are excited to invite you to our next workshop, "WAIFC Expert Workshop: Data Flows with Trust," scheduled for June 24.



- Abdul-Rahim Osman, WAIFC, Head of Communications & Senior Project Manager.

- Lori Baker, DIFC, Vice President – Data Protection & Regulatory Compliance.

- Stephen Booth, TheCityUK, International Strategy Manager.

- Lisa Springate, Jersey Finance, Head of Legal and Technical.

- Samantha Gardner, Office of the Jersey Information Commissioner, Operational  Compliance & Policy Lead.

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