Financial Services Authority of Oman (FSA)

There is no formal financial center as such in Oman. Hence, the Financial Services Authority represents the Omani financial center at WAIFC.

What is the Financial Services Authority?

The FSA has its origins in the Capital Market Authority, which was established by Royal Decree 80/98, issued on November 9, 1998, and commenced its duties on January 9, 1999. In 2024, by Royal Decree 20/2024, it was replaced by the FSA.

It is a government entity with juristic personality, financial and administrative independence and its board of directors is chaired by HE Yahya bin Said Al- Jabri. 

The FSA is the regulator and supervisor of capital market and insurance investors/policy holders as per its strategy to upgrade the sectors, maximize domestic and foreign investors’ confidence, continued development of the institutions operating in the capital and insurance sectors, diversifying the products and involve greatest number of participants to achieve utmost added economic value for the Omani economy


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