2020年11月30日 | HKCEC, Hong Kong

Belt and Road Summit 2020


初め 2020年11月30日 09:00
終わり 2020年11月30日 16:00
部門 Other
場所 HKCEC, Hong Kong
主催者 Hong Kong Trade Development Council
登録 For a fee
WWW http://www.beltandroadsummit.hk/en/index.html

First proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative has become one of the world’s largest cooperation platforms spanning Europe, Asia, and Africa. Widely supported by over 160 countries and international organizations, the Initiative has made great strides in enhancing infrastructure connectivity, trade flows and people-to-people bonds along the routes.

To promote business collaboration along the Belt and Road, the HKSAR Government has been jointly organizing the annual Belt and Road Summit with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council since 2016. 
