Astana Finance Days 2021
2021年6月21日 | Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

WAIFC and AIFC co-organize a panel at the Astana Finance Days

Jennifer Reynolds will give a keynote on the panel on "The Role of International Financial Centers in Attracting International Capital" on 02 July.

The Role of International Financial Centers in Attracting International Capital

Friday 2 July 2021, 18.00 – 18.50 (Nur-Sultan)  

WAIFC is a partner of the Astana Finance Days 2021 and organizes the panel on "The Role of International Financial Centers in Attracting International Capital" jointly with the Astana International Financial Centre.

It will consist of a keynote from the WAIFC's Chair, Jennifer Reynolds, followed by a panel discussion with heads of leading financial centers from Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia, discussing the role that international financial centers play in attracting international capital to the countries and regions they serve.


Welcome and keynote: Jennifer Reynolds, Chairwoman of WAIFC / President and CEO of Toronto Finance International

Moderator: Dr. Jochen Biedermann, Managing Director, WAIFC


