WAIFC organized a workshop at the Paris EUROPLACE International Financial Forum
WAIFC leaders discussed the future of financial centers on a panel moderated by our Managing Director Jochen Biedermann, by invitation of Arnaud de Bresson, CEO of Paris EUROPLACE.
The 2022 Paris EUROPLACE International Financial Forum – IFF Paris – takes place against a backdrop of an economic recovery affected by geopolitical tensions which are redefining the priorities for a more independent European Union and for the transition towards more resilient and sustainable models.
We are excited to organize the following workshop jointly with Arnaud de Bresson, CEO of Paris EUROPLACE and first Chair of the WAIFC.
Tuesday, 12 July, 17.30
“The Future of Financial Centers”
Jochen BIEDERMANN, Managing Director, WAIFC
- Arnaud de BRESSON, Chief Executive Officer, Paris EUROPLACE
- Philipp VON RESTORFF, Deputy CEO, Luxembourg for Finance
- Rainer KLUMP, Executive Director, Frankfurt House of Finance
- Philippe RICHARD, Executive Director - International Affairs, ADGM
Naomi TAKEGOSHI, Relationship Manager, FinCity.Tokyo
Paolo GARONNA, Secretary-General, FeBAF
Recording of the workshop: