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23 марта 2022 г. | Kigali, Rwanda

Meeting of the WAIFC Board of Directors & Extraordinary General Meeting in Kigali

WAIFC leaders witnessed Sub-Saharan African growth and the crucial role of Kigali International Financial Center in supporting it.

Rwanda Finance hosted the WAIFC Board meeting and EGM in Kigali, Rwanda on 23 March 2022 for the first time. During the board meeting, WAIFC leaders approved the observer status of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce, discussed the status of its projects, and decided on new project proposals. 


In separate WAIFC project meetings, the representatives discussed Inclusive Finance, SME Financing, and FinTech topics.

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H.E. Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, along with Uzziel Ndagijimana, the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, invited WAIFC leaders to discuss the development of Kigali International Financial Center, its regional expansion, and WAIFC’s role in strengthening the exchange of best practices between financial centers. 

Click here for more details about the meeting with H.E. President Paul Kagame.

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In a separate meeting with Uzziel NdagijimanaMinister of Finance and Economic Planning, WAIFC leaders had the opportunity to discuss the financial center development in Rwanda, its priorities, and its importance for the domestic and regional economies.

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WAIFC representatives also met John Rwangombwa, the Governor of the National Bank of Rwanda, to learn more about the local banking landscape and Rwanda's FinTech development, where the National Bank of Rwanda has a leading role. 


Clare Akamanzi, the CEO of the Rwanda Development Board, shared with WAIFC leaders the investment strategies that are being put in place to prepare for development in the upcoming years.

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Furthermore, WAIFC representatives visited East Africa's largest hub for entrepreneurs in Kigali, Rwanda Norrsken East Africa, and had a vibrant session on FinTech. During the visit, three start-ups EXUUS, Pesachoice, and UNISKIP pitched innovative FinTech solutions. Norrsken provides a spaces for entrepreneurs to develop and scale their innovations.


WAIFC delegates also paid a visit to the Kigali Genocide Memorial, alongside their colleagues from Rwanda Finance, to pay tribute to Victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and learn about Rwanda's history. 

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Finally, WAIFC members participated in the industry dinner where Dr. Donald Kaberuka, the former president of the African Development Bank and former Minister of Finance delivered an exciting dinner speech.

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Dr. Jochen Biedermann, Managing Director of the WAIFC, said:

“It is great to be here in Rwanda for the first time. It is a huge tribute to KIFC and Nick Barigye’s team that they are in a position to host this EGM so soon since their inception. The work that has been done on the ground here in Kigali to modernize and innovate has been fast but thorough and we cannot wait to see where they go from here.”

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