EU financial centers met in Paris to discuss EU competitiveness
Keynote speakers Armel Castets, Director at the Direction générale du Trésor (French Treasury), and Jean-Paul Servais, Chairman of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and President of FSMA, provided invaluable insights into crucial topics. Their discussions delved into EU competitiveness, French government priorities, geopolitical issues, priorities for IOSCO, and the upcoming Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2024.
Among the focal points of the meeting was a comprehensive discussion on the potential agenda for the next European Commission. This encompassed areas such as enhancing competitiveness, fostering capital markets and investments into EU start-ups and scale-ups, promoting financial education, balancing consumer protection with risk appetite, and emphasizing sustainable finance. The need for a more pragmatic, consistent, and interoperable approach with the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) was underscored.
Gratitude was extended to Arnaud de Bresson of Paris Europlace, who served as the speaker in 2023, and Gert Heynderickx of Febelfin, who has committed to lead in 2024.
The following EU financial centers are members of the Roundtable:
- Banking & Payments Federation Ireland
- Berlin Finance Initiative
- FeBAF (Federazione Banche Assicurazioni e Finanza)
- Febelfin
- FinanceEstonia
- FinanceMalta
- Finanzplatz Hamburg
- Frankfurt Main Finance
- Future Finance Poland
- Luxembourg for Finance
- Paris Europlace
- Stuttgart Financial
The EU Roundtable of Financial Centers, as a regional chapter of WAIFC, continues to serve as a dynamic platform for fostering collaboration and addressing critical issues facing the international financial community.