14 de enero de 2019 | HKCEC, Hong Kong

Asian Financial Forum 2019

Detalles de Evento

Inicio 14 de ene de 2019 9:00
Fin 15 de ene de 2019 18:00
Categoría Other
Locación HKCEC, Hong Kong
Organizador Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Registro For a fee
WWW http://www.asianfinancialforum.com/

The Asian Financial Forum (AFF) brings together some of the most influential members of the global financial and business community to discuss developments and trends in the dynamic markets of Asia. In 2017, over 100 internationally respected leaders in government, financial and business sectors gathered for groundbreaking discussions about opportunities and challenges facing Asia.
The tenth AFF attracted more than 2,900 participants from 50 countries and regions, about 85% of them were CEOs and senior decision makers. More than 440 journalists and media representatives attended the forum.

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