
Nuestros Miembros

Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) - Logo

Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

ADGM es la zona franca financiera en el Emirato de Abu Dhabi en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, establecida para promover el Emirato de Abu Dhabi como un centro financiero global, desarrollar la economía del Emirato y convertirlo en un entorno atractivo para inversiones financieras y un contribuyente efectivo a la industria internacional de servicios financieros.
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Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) - Logo

Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC)

El AIFC es un centro financiero para Asia Central, el Cáucaso, la Unión Económica Euroasiática (UEE), el Medio Oriente, el oeste de China, Mongolia y Europa. El AIFC opera dentro de un régimen legal especial basado en el Derecho Común, que regula las relaciones legales entre los participantes del AIFC y terceros y está dirigido al desarrollo del mercado financiero.
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Busan Finance Center (BFC) - Logo

Busan Finance Center (BFC)

El BFC es una asociación incorporada basada en asociaciones público-privadas para acelerar el crecimiento de Busan como centro financiero internacional y actuar en iniciativas políticas para atraer instituciones financieras extranjeras y nacionales. BFC colabora con diversas instituciones para impulsar negocios innovadores y tecnología en la economía más amplia de Asia Nororiental, centrándose en el desarrollo de finanzas marítimas, derivados, fintech y blockchain.
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Casablanca Finance City (CFC) - Logo

Casablanca Finance City (CFC)

CFC es un centro financiero y empresarial africano ubicado en la encrucijada de continentes. Reconocido como el principal centro financiero en África y socio de los mayores centros financieros, CFC ha construido una comunidad sólida y próspera de miembros en cuatro categorías principales: empresas financieras, sedes regionales de multinacionales, proveedores de servicios y holdings.
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Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) - Logo

Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)

DIFC es uno de los centros financieros más avanzados del mundo y el principal hub financiero para Oriente Medio, África y Asia del Sur (MEASA), que comprende 72 países con una población aproximada de 3 mil millones y un PIB nominal de US$ 7.7 billones.
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EnterpriseNGR - Logo


EnterpriseNGR está posicionada para participar tanto en la defensa del sector privado como en la del sector público con el objetivo de fomentar un entorno operativo favorable para el sector de Servicios Financieros y Profesionales y promover la transformación de Nigeria en un centro financiero internacional.
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FinanceMalta - Logo


FinanceMalta is the public-private initiative set up to promote Malta as an International Financial Centre. FinanceMalta came on the scene at a critical time, just as Malta entered the Eurozone. The financial services sector is now a major force in the country’s economy. Malta has some significant strengths to offer the industry, such as a well-trained, motivated workforce; a low-cost environment; and an advantageous tax regime backed up by more than 70 double-taxation agreements.
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Financial Services Authority of Oman (FSA) - Logo

Financial Services Authority of Oman (FSA)

The FSA is the sole regulator and supervisor of the capital and insurance markets. The FSA has the vision that the Capital and Insurance markets will become an engine for sustainable economic growth and wealth creation. In order to achieve this vision, the FSA will continue to develop and promote informed, efficient and effective markets and participation.
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FinCity.Tokyo - Logo


FinCity.Tokyo was founded under the leadership of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in collaboration with private businesses in order to promote and to continuously upgrade Tokyo's financial ecosystem. FinCity.Tokyo conducts promotional activities including disseminating information; facilitating market entry/ networking domestically and internationally; attracting overseas financial companies to Japan.
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Frankfurt Main Finance (FMF) - Logo

Frankfurt Main Finance (FMF)

FMF es la iniciativa del centro financiero para Frankfurt am Main, el principal centro financiero de Alemania y la zona euro. La iniciativa cuenta con más de 70 miembros, incluyendo el Estado de Hesse, las ciudades de Frankfurt y Eschborn, y docenas de actores prominentes en el sector financiero. FMF aprovecha la influencia de sus miembros para abogar por el Centro Financiero Frankfurt y proporcionar plataformas de diálogo de alto nivel.
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Future Finance Poland - Logo

Future Finance Poland

El proyecto Future Finance Polonia tiene como objetivo crear mecanismos de coordinación y cooperación dentro de la industria financiera y desarrollar herramientas prácticas para apoyar el desarrollo de Polonia como un centro financiero de próxima generación a nivel regulatorio, tecnológico, empresarial y de marketing. El enfoque parte también de la necesidad de promover el centro financiero a nivel internacional y apoyar la expansión de las empresas polacas que operan en el sector financiero en el extranjero.
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Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) - Logo

Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council (FSDC)

The FSDC is a high-level, cross-sectoral advisory body to promote the further development of Hong Kong's financial services industry and to map out the strategic direction for development.
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Jersey Finance - Logo

Jersey Finance

Jersey Finance was established in 2001 to represent and promote Jersey as a clear leader in international finance. For more than 20 years, we have championed the competitive position of Jersey’s finance industry, supporting the highest regulatory standards and the most attractive products and services to suit the needs of global investors.
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Luxembourg for Finance (LFF) - Logo

Luxembourg for Finance (LFF)

LFF is a public-private partnership between the Luxembourg Government and the Luxembourg Financial Industry Federation (PROFIL), bringing together the various financial industry associations. LFF connects international investors to the range of financial services provided in Luxembourg, such as asset management and wealth management, banking, insurance, capital market operations or advisory services.
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Paris EUROPLACE - Logo


Paris EUROPLACE es la organización encargada de promover y desarrollar el mercado financiero de París. Como intermediario privilegiado de las autoridades europeas y francesas, con las cuales mantiene un diálogo continuo y constructivo, Paris EUROPLACE inicia propuestas para el beneficio colectivo del centro financiero.
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Rwanda Finance - Logo

Rwanda Finance

The Kigali International Financial Center positions itself as a professional, member-focused, transparent, and economic substance-oriented jurisdiction to facilitate increased cross-border trade and investments within Eastern and Central Africa.
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Stuttgart Financial - Logo

Stuttgart Financial

Founded in 2007, Stuttgart Financial is the financial center initiative for the State of Baden-Württemberg and its capital city Stuttgart. We support the financial center and increase its visibility. We promote the financial center on behalf of the financial institutions. We connect the financial center and maintain a rising network.
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The Economic Development Board Mauritius (EDB) - Logo

The Economic Development Board Mauritius (EDB)

The EDB provides strong institutional support for strategic economic planning and ensures greater coherence and effectiveness in economic policy formulation; promotes Mauritius as an attractive investment and business center, a competitive export platform as well as an International Financial Center; acts as the main institution responsible for country branding for investment promotion, and ensures a conducive business environment.
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The Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) - Logo

The Qatar Financial Centre (QFC)

The QFC is a leading onshore business and financial centre located in Doha, welcoming international firms to set up business in Qatar. It aims to promote Qatar as a major business and commercial hub at the crossroads between East and West. The QFC offers its own international legal and business environment governed by English common law, which allows up to 100% foreign ownership, 100% repatriation of profits, and charges a competitive rate of 10% corporate tax on locally sourced profits, all while integrating businesses into Qatar’s swift expansion into a major trade and investment centre.
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TheCityUK - Logo


TheCityUK es el organismo liderado por la industria que representa los servicios financieros y profesionales relacionados con el Reino Unido. En nuestro décimo año de aniversario, seguimos defendiendo y apoyando el éxito del ecosistema, y por ende el de nuestros miembros, promoviendo políticas en el Reino Unido, en toda Europa e internacionalmente que impulsen la competitividad, apoyen la creación de empleo y aseguren el crecimiento económico a largo plazo. La industria contribuye con más del 10% del producto económico total del Reino Unido y emplea a más de 2,3 millones de personas.
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Nuestros Observadores

Connecticut Hedge Fund Association - Logo

Connecticut Hedge Fund Association

The State of Connecticut is among the world's leading financial centers, with the town of Greenwich being known as the "hedge fund capital of the world." CT is home to over 400 private funds, managing over $750B, and is the third-largest center for hedge funds globally. The CTHFA was founded in 2004 as a non-profit professional association to support this important industry.
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Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Office - Logo

Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Office

The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Office in Bangkok develops a financial ecosystem to facilitate EEC-targeted industries, SMEs, and start-ups in accessing new sources of funds and funding vehicles. These businesses, including green projects, will be able to do financial transactions, raise funds, and access financial services with greater flexibility and competitive terms.
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Lujiazui Financial City - Logo

Lujiazui Financial City

Lujiazui Financial City is the core functional area of Shanghai’s ambition to become an international financial center. With more than 6,000 domestic and foreign financial institutions located in Lujiazui, of which 925 are licensed, such as banks, securities firms, and insurance companies, it has the highest density of financial markets and institutions in mainland China.
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Strategic Reforms Agency Uzbekistan - Logo

Strategic Reforms Agency Uzbekistan

The Strategic Reforms Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was founded in 2022. Along with the key tasks of reforming various spheres of the state and society, the Agency is implementing a project to create an International Financial Center in Tashkent city (TIFC). The key goals of the TIFC involve the provision of globally competitive services, support for investors, and the development of the national financial market and business environment of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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Two Rivers International Finance & Innovation Centre - Logo

Two Rivers International Finance & Innovation Centre

Two Rivers International Finance & Innovation Centre (TRIFIC) in Nairobi offers new and exciting prospects for global, regional, and Kenyan service-oriented business enterprises seeking a competitive base to access international markets.
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