En cours

Regulatory Genome Project

Research initiative led by the University of Cambridge to support the adoption of an information structure standardising how financial regulatory information is classified globally

RGP is an AI based tool that supports the mapping of global financial regulations using jurisdictional obligations as genes.

The CRG is made up of taxonomies, each representing regulatory obligations organised by regulatory theme. They are core or ‘root’ taxonomies by design (illustrated by Levels 0-2). However, extensions can be built on top of these root taxonomies by individual jurisdictions if more granular information is needed.

RGP, a capacity building tool for emerging markets, assists with self-assessments against the IOSCO core principles and facilitates comparisons with other regulatory frameworks from more developed jurisdictions. Early adopters have the opportunity to increase jurisdictional competitive advantage.

RGP continues to expand the suit of themes sequenced through the CRG. The data sets generated through this process allow for automation of comparative analysis in multiple dimensions including Country, Theme and Obligation of families. These analyses can be used for jurisdictional reviews and gap identification by Regulators tasked with comparing and enhancing obligations.

Experts from various continents are supporting the RGP by mapping international standards established by Standard Setting Bodies to the CRG. This is the first step towards automated support for experts in Country-level assessment of various standards.

RGP has identified that the CRG allows for the classification of regulatory texts by their own obligatory characteristics and not just by theme. This is facilitating research on ways to create a characteristics framework – a Meta-taxonomy – to test and compare complexities of obligations independently of the rule theme in place.

RGP's mission is to build and drive the Cambridge Regulatory Genome (CRG) as a public open-source information structure to represent and compare financial regulation across jurisdictions (e.g., AML, ESG) to provide tools for regulators and policy makers to design and supervise regulatory frameworks.

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