2024年1月23日 | Digital Event

Focus on Global Competitiveness


初め 2024年1月23日 10:00
終わり 2024年1月23日 11:00
部門 Member event
場所 Digital Event
主催者 Luxembourg for Finance
登録 free
WWW https://www.luxembourgforfinance.com/event/focus-on-global-competitiveness/

Discover the future of the European financial sector at Luxembourg for Finance's livestream event, "Focus On Global Competitiveness: Navigating the Modern Financial Order."

The session addresses the urgency for forward-thinking strategies in a rapidly transforming financial landscape. Clive Horwood of OMFIF will analyze industry trends and the reaction of firms, while speakers explore converting challenges into opportunities. Topics include, the untapped potential of sustainable finance and harnessing the digital revolution in financial services. Join policymakers, industry pioneers, and experts in discussions on how Europe can not only adapt but also lead in this dynamic environment.
