

Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) - Logo

Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM)

ADGM is the financial free zone in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in the UAE established in order to promote the Emirate of Abu Dhabi as a global financial center, to develop the economy of the Emirate and to make it an attractive environment for financial investments and an effective contributor to the international financial services industry.
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Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) - Logo

Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC)

AIFC is a financial hub for Central Asia, the Caucasus, EAEU, the Middle East, West China, Mongolia and Europe. The AIFC operates within a special legal regime based on Common Law, which regulates the legal relationships between AIFC participants and third parties and is aimed at the development of the financial market.
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Busan Finance Center (BFC) - Logo

Busan Finance Center (BFC)

BFC is an incorporated association built upon public-private partnerships to accelerate Busan's growth as an international finance hub and act on policy initiatives to attract foreign and domestic financial institutions. BFC collaborates with various institutions to drive innovative business and technology in the broader economy of Northeast Asia, focusing on the development of marine finance, derivatives, fintech, and blockchain.
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القطب المالي للدار البيضاء - Logo

القطب المالي للدار البيضاء

يعتبر القطب المالي للدار البيضاء مركزا اقتصاديا وماليا إفريقيا يوجد في مفترق القارات. ويعد كأول مركز مالي في إفريقيا وشريكا لأكبر المراكز المالية الدولية، لقد استطاع القطب المالي للدار البيضاء جلب مجموعة قوية من الأعضاء الفاعلين من مقاولات مالية، والمقرات الإقليمية لشركات متعددة الجنسيات، ومقدمي الخدمات والشركات القابضة.
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Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) - Logo

Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)

DIFC is one of the world’s most advanced financial centres, and the leading financial hub for the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia (MEASA), which comprises 72 countries with an approximate population of 3 billion and a nominal GDP of US$ 7.7 trillion.
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EnterpriseNGR - Logo


EnterpriseNGR is positioned to engage in both private sector and public sector advocacy with the aim of fostering a favorable operating environment for the Financial and Professional Services sector and championing the transformation of Nigeria into an international financial center.
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FinanceMalta - Logo


FinanceMalta is the public-private initiative set up to promote Malta as an International Financial Centre. FinanceMalta came on the scene at a critical time, just as Malta entered the Eurozone. The financial services sector is now a major force in the country’s economy. Malta has some significant strengths to offer the industry, such as a well-trained, motivated workforce; a low-cost environment; and an advantageous tax regime backed up by more than 70 double-taxation agreements.
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Financial Services Authority of Oman (FSA) - Logo

Financial Services Authority of Oman (FSA)

The FSA is the sole regulator and supervisor of the capital and insurance markets. The FSA has the vision that the Capital and Insurance markets will become an engine for sustainable economic growth and wealth creation. In order to achieve this vision, the FSA will continue to develop and promote informed, efficient and effective markets and participation.
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Frankfurt Main Finance (FMF) - Logo

Frankfurt Main Finance (FMF)

FMF is the financial center initiative for Frankfurt am Main, the leading financial center in Germany and the eurozone. The initiative has more than 70 members including the State of Hesse, the cities of Frankfurt and Eschborn, and dozens of prominent actors in the finance sector. FMF leverages the influence of its members to advocate for the Financial Center Frankfurt and provide high-caliber dialogue platforms.
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Future Finance Poland - Logo

Future Finance Poland

The Future Finance Poland project aims to create coordination and cooperation mechanisms within the financial industry and develop practical tools to support the development of Poland as a next-generation financial center at the regulatory, technological, business, and marketing levels. The approach also assumes the need to promote the financial center internationally and support the expansion of Polish companies doing business in the financial industry abroad.
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Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) - Logo

Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council (FSDC)

The FSDC is a high-level, cross-sectoral advisory body to promote the further development of Hong Kong's financial services industry and to map out the strategic direction for development.
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Istanbul Financial Center - Logo

Istanbul Financial Center

Istanbul Financial Center (IFC) rises where the continents meet. The historic city of Istanbul presents new opportunities for finance professionals from all around the world. Situated at the heart of one of the largest and fastest-growing economies in the world, IFC brings together leading domestic and international financial institutions and businesses in a state-of-the-art, purpose-built financial district. IFC is shaping the future of international finance with a regulatory landscape that meets global standards and an environment primed for investment and growth, positioning itself as an influential financial hub that provides investors with access to unique and untapped growth opportunities.
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Jersey Finance - Logo

Jersey Finance

Jersey Finance was established in 2001 to represent and promote Jersey as a clear leader in international finance. For more than 20 years, we have championed the competitive position of Jersey’s finance industry, supporting the highest regulatory standards and the most attractive products and services to suit the needs of global investors.
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Luxembourg for Finance (LFF) - Logo

Luxembourg for Finance (LFF)

LFF is a public-private partnership between the Luxembourg Government and the Luxembourg Financial Industry Federation (PROFIL), bringing together the various financial industry associations. LFF connects international investors to the range of financial services provided in Luxembourg, such as asset management and wealth management, banking, insurance, capital market operations or advisory services.
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Rwanda Finance - Logo

Rwanda Finance

The Kigali International Financial Center positions itself as a professional, member-focused, transparent, and economic substance-oriented jurisdiction to facilitate increased cross-border trade and investments within Eastern and Central Africa.
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Stuttgart Financial - Logo

Stuttgart Financial

Founded in 2007, Stuttgart Financial is the financial center initiative for the State of Baden-Württemberg and its capital city Stuttgart. We support the financial center and increase its visibility. We promote the financial center on behalf of the financial institutions. We connect the financial center and maintain a rising network.
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The Economic Development Board Mauritius (EDB) - Logo

The Economic Development Board Mauritius (EDB)

The EDB provides strong institutional support for strategic economic planning and ensures greater coherence and effectiveness in economic policy formulation; promotes Mauritius as an attractive investment and business center, a competitive export platform as well as an International Financial Center; acts as the main institution responsible for country branding for investment promotion, and ensures a conducive business environment.
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The Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) - Logo

The Qatar Financial Centre (QFC)

The QFC is a leading onshore business and financial centre located in Doha, welcoming international firms to set up business in Qatar. It aims to promote Qatar as a major business and commercial hub at the crossroads between East and West. The QFC offers its own international legal and business environment governed by English common law, which allows up to 100% foreign ownership, 100% repatriation of profits, and charges a competitive rate of 10% corporate tax on locally sourced profits, all while integrating businesses into Qatar’s swift expansion into a major trade and investment centre.
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TheCityUK - Logo


TheCityUK is the industry-led body representing UK-based financial and related professional services. In our 10th anniversary year, we continue to champion and support the success of the ecosystem, and thereby our members, promoting policies in the UK, across Europe and internationally that drive competitiveness, support job creation, and ensure long-term economic growth. The industry contributes over 10% of the UK’s total economic output and employs more than 2.3 million people.
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Two Rivers International Finance & Innovation Centre - Logo

Two Rivers International Finance & Innovation Centre

Two Rivers International Finance & Innovation Centre (TRIFIC) in Nairobi offers new and exciting prospects for global, regional, and Kenyan service-oriented business enterprises seeking a competitive base to access international markets.
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المراقبون لدينا

Beijing Financial Street Research Institute - Logo

Beijing Financial Street Research Institute

Beijing Financial Street Research Institute was established in 2012. It is an important think tank for research on developing China's financial industry and foreign exchanges. Beijing Financial Street is a key base for Chinese State financial administrations and Beijing’s financial center. With 20 years of development, Financial Street has become China’s financial management center, integrating policy-making and supervision, assets management, payment settlement, information exchanges, and standards stipulation.
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Connecticut Hedge Fund Association - Logo

Connecticut Hedge Fund Association

تعد ولاية كونيتيكت من بين المراكز المالية الرائدة في العالم، حيث تُعرف مدينة غرينتش باسم "عاصمة صناديق التحوط في العالم". تعد CT موطنًا لأكثر من 400 صندوق خاص، وتدير أكثر من 750 مليار دولار أمريكي، وهي ثالث أكبر مركز لصناديق التحوط على مستوى العالم. تأسست CTHFA في عام 2004 كجمعية مهنية غير ربحية لدعم هذه الصناعة المهمة.
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Financial & International Business Association (FIBA) - Logo

Financial & International Business Association (FIBA)

تأسست FIBA ​​على إرث يمتد لـ 45 عامًا، وهي جمعية تجارية غير ربحية ومركز دولي للتميز المالي. تضم عضوية المنظمة التي تتخذ من فلوريدا مقرًا لها والمتصلة عالميًا أكبر المؤسسات المالية من أوروبا والولايات المتحدة وأمريكا اللاتينية ومنطقة البحر الكاريبي.
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Guernsey Finance - Logo

Guernsey Finance

Guernsey Finance is a joint government and industry initiative tasked with promoting and connecting Guernsey financial services industry. We promote and connect Guernsey as a leading international finance center in key markets. We connect you to Guernsey's financial services experts in investment and funds, private wealth, insurance, pensions, and banking.
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Lujiazui Financial City - Logo

Lujiazui Financial City

تعد مدينة لوجياتسوى المالية المجال الوظيفي الأساسي لطموح شنغهاي في أن تصبح مركزًا ماليًا عالميًا. مع وجود أكثر من 6000 مؤسسة مالية محلية وأجنبية في لوجياتسوى، منها 925 مؤسسة مرخصة، مثل البنوك وشركات الأوراق المالية وشركات التأمين، فهي تتمتع بأعلى كثافة من الأسواق والمؤسسات المالية في البر الرئيسي للصين.
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Strategic Reforms Agency Uzbekistan - Logo

Strategic Reforms Agency Uzbekistan

The Strategic Reforms Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was founded in 2022. Along with the key tasks of reforming various spheres of the state and society, the Agency is implementing a project to create an International Financial Center in Tashkent city (TIFC). The key goals of the TIFC involve the provision of globally competitive services, support for investors, and the development of the national financial market and business environment of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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