Waifc Webinar Logo
24 février 2021 | Brussels, Belgium

Webinar on Supporting SMEs with Sustained Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

We will present our most recent publication on SMEs on 02 March 2021 and discuss its findings and recommendations with international experts.

We have published a report on "Supporting SMEs with Sustained Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery" and present the results in a webinar on

Tuesday, 02 March 2021

07:00 EDT/11:00 GMT/12:00 CET/12:00 WEST/13:00 CAT/14:00 MSK/14:00 AST/15:00 GST/15:00 MUT/17:00 ALMT/19:00 HKT/20:00 JST/20:00 KST

and discuss its recommendations with experts from Belgium, Canada, and Kazakhstan.

Free registration

As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold across the world in 2020, we began to see the scale of the impact it would have on SME development and SME finance availability. The inevitable economic downturn placed severe strain on SMEs globally and demanded a national and international response.

The World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC), promoting the benefits of sharing best practices and new financial and regulatory initiatives, commissioned a survey of its members on the ways that financial centers globally, alongside national governments, central banks, regulators, and the supranationals are responding to the economic crisis, specifically asking for information on how urgently needed support to SMEs is being developed, directed and delivered.

This webinar, launching the WAIFC SME Economic Recovery Report, will review the measures taken by policymakers and financial institutions to mitigate the global pandemic's economic effects and the potential for a renaissance in SME growth.  


12:00 CET


Jennifer Reynolds, WAIFC & TFI

12:05 CET

Presentation of the SME Finance report

Akshu Campbell-Holt, AIFC Business Connect

12:25 CET

Discussion of the results

Frédéric de Laminne, Belgian Finance Center

Mirzo Iskandar Gulamov, Asian Development Bank

Moderator: Jochen Biedermann, WAIFC

12:55 CET

Closing remarks

James MartinAIFC Business Connect


Free registration

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