A WAIFC facilita a cooperação entre centros financeiros, a troca de melhores práticas e a comunicação com o público em geral.
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Mesa Redonda dos Centros Financeiros da UE reunida em Bruxelas

A Mesa Redonda dos Centros e Federações Financeiras da UE reuniu-se em Bruxelas para a sua segunda reunião do ano
November 7, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
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A WAIFC conclui a sua Assembleia Geral Anual no Japão

A WAIFC concluiu a sua Assembleia Geral Anual de 2024 no Japão, elegendo uma nova liderança e dando as boas-vindas a dois novos membros
October 18, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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Delegação da WAIFC visita Osaka para uma reunião especial

A WAIFC realizou uma reunião extraordinária em Osaka com o governo da prefeitura para reforçar a cooperação financeira internacional.
October 17, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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A WAIFC, juntamente com o seu Capítulo Africano e o membro FinCity.Tokyo, organizaram um Fórum Empresarial

A WAIFC, juntamente com o seu Capítulo Africano e o membro FinCity.Tokyo, organizaram um Fórum Empresarial para reforçar ainda mais o potencial de investimento e os laços económicos entre o Japão e África.
October 16, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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WAIFC entrevista Hiroshi Nakaso, presidente do FinCity.Tokyo

Na Assembleia Geral Anual da WAIFC em Tóquio, reunimo-nos com o Presidente do FinCity.Tokyo para discutir o papel do centro financeiro na nossa aliança e explorar as oportunidades futuras na indústria.
October 15, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
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WAIFC dá as boas-vindas a Istambul e Nairobi como novos membros e nomeia novos membros do conselho

A WAIFC dá as boas-vindas ao Istanbul Financial Center e ao Two Rivers International Finance & Innovation Centre como os seus mais novos membros, juntamente com os novos membros do conselho Bernice Buttigieg, Temirlan Mukhanbetzhanov e Lynn Robbroeckx.
October 15, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
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WAIFC anuncia os vencedores do terceiro prémio anual Young Academic Award

A WAIFC anuncia os vencedores do seu terceiro Young Academic Award na Assembleia Geral Anual em Tóquio, Japão.
October 15, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
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Assembleia Geral Anual da WAIFC em Tóquio

A WAIFC realizou a sua Assembleia Geral Anual em Tóquio, nomeando três novos membros do conselho e dando as boas-vindas a dois novos membros. A reunião enfatizou a unidade, o compromisso com a missão da WAIFC e as futuras estratégias de expansão.
October 15, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan
Crafting Future Report

Relatório WAIFC sobre "Elaboração do Ecossistema de Relatórios de Sustentabilidade Digital"

O white paper examina os centros financeiros que impulsionam as finanças sustentáveis ​​através da colaboração público-privada e da inovação de dados
October 3, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
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Fórum Empresarial Explora Oportunidades de Investimento Japonês em África

O FinCity.Tokyo, em colaboração com a Mesa Redonda Africana da WAIFC, irá acolher um fórum empresarial crucial centrado nas oportunidades de investimento em África.
September 26, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
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WAIFC junta-se à Global Capacity Building Coalition

A WAIFC juntou-se à Global Capacity Building Coalition (GCBC), um grupo lançado por Michael R. Bloomberg e líderes globais para apoiar os mercados emergentes na consecução de objectivos financeiros sustentáveis.
September 24, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Os três melhores trabalhos do Prémio WAIFC para Jovens Académicos 2024

Os três finalistas terão a oportunidade única de apresentar a sua investigação na Assembleia Geral Anual da WAIFC em Tóquio.
August 13, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
Agm 2024

A Assembleia Geral Anual da WAIFC será realizada em Tóquio este ano

A convite do FinCity.Tokyo, os representantes da WAIFC reunir-se-ão em Tóquio, no dia 15 de outubro, para a AGM 2024 do WAIFC.
July 22, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
Green Modern Conference Speakers

WAIFC Expert Workshops: Uma Nova Iniciativa para Partilhar Melhores Práticas

Descubra as últimas perceções e conecte-se com líderes da indústria através dos WAIFC Expert Workshops, uma iniciativa dinâmica projetada para partilhar as melhores práticas entre centros financeiros de todo o mundo.
June 21, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
Women In Finance Report

Relatório WAIFC sobre "Mulheres nas Finanças - Compêndio de Boas Práticas”

O documento de trabalho lança luz sobre o papel crescente das mulheres no setor financeiro e quais boas práticas podem ser empregues para garantir a igualdade de género.
May 21, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
Banner Publication Art And Financial Centers

Relatório WAIFC sobre “Arte - Um Ingrediente Integral para Centros Financeiros”

O documento de trabalho destaca as profundas conexões entre finanças e arte.
May 15, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
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A WAIFC participou na Dubai Fintech Summit

A WAIFC Comprometida com um Futuro Sustentável através da FinTech
May 14, 2024 | Dubai, U.A.E.
Banner Publication Green Transformation

Relatório WAIFC sobre “Reforçar o Financiamento da Cadeia de Abastecimento para a Promoção da Transformação Verde”

O documento de trabalho examina as cadeias de abastecimento e o impacto sobre elas após a pandemia.
May 9, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
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Prioridades do European Union Financial Centers Roundtable em 2024

O European Union Financial Centers Roundtable (EU-RFC), um Capítulo Regional da WAIFC, reuniu-se hoje em Bruxelas para aprovar o presente documento sobre a competitividade da indústria financeira da União Europeia.
May 4, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
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Arranque do Capítulo Africano da WAIFC

Membros signatários unem-se na reunião inaugural em Maurícia.
April 3, 2024 | Mauritius
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Assinatura do Memorando de Entendimento da Roundtable de África da WAIFC.

Membros da World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) do continente africano assinaram um Memorando de Entendimento (MoU) para a criação da Roundtable WAIFC África em 27 de março de 2024 no Resort & Spa Westin Turtle Bay, em Balaclava, Maurícia.
March 28, 2024 | Mauritius

Delegados da WAIFC Reúnem-se com o Banco de Maurícia e Principais Atuantes Financeiros.

O segundo dia ofereceu uma mistura de visitas educativas e discussões esclarecedoras com líderes financeiros locais.
March 28, 2024 | Mauritius

Reunião do Conselho de Administração da WAIFC e Assembleia Geral Extraordinária em Maurício.

A WAIFC reuniu-se para a reunião do conselho de administração e a assembleia geral extraordinária, que teve lugar em Maurício, organizada pelo nosso membro Economic Board of Development Mauritius.
March 27, 2024 | Mauritius
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A WAIFC dá as boas-vindas à Future Finance Poland como o mais recente membro da Europa Central e Oriental.

A Assembleia Geral da WAIFC Aprova a Adesão da Future Finance Poland, expandindo para o maior país da Europa Central e Oriental.
March 27, 2024 | Mauritius
Key Visual

Webinar Mulheres nas Finanças: "Liderar em todos os continentes"

Explore a liderança feminina com "Leading Across Continents", com as principais oradoras da WAIFC
March 13, 2024 | Malta

Roundtable do Centro Financeiro da UE em Bruxelas: Priorizando a Emissão de Títulos, Investimento de Retalho, Diversidade e Inclusão

A Febelfin organizou recentemente a Roundtable do Centro Financeiro da UE em Bruxelas.
March 8, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
Award Group

WAIFC Young Academic Award 2024

Convidamos novamente os jovens académicos a apresentarem ensaios sobre o futuro de um setor financeiro sustentável e inclusivo.
February 1, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
Red And Beige Illustrative Happy Lunar New Year Card

Feliz Ano Novo Lunar 2024

Um Ano Feliz e Próspero do Dragão! Desejando-lhe um feliz e próspero ano do Dragão!
January 31, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

Líderes da WAIFC participam no Asian Financial Forum

A WAIFC participou no Asian Financial Forum 2024 em Hong Kong, promovendo a colaboração global no setor financeiro.
January 31, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium
Blue And Gold Season's Greetings Yard Sign

Feliz Natal e um Próspero Ano Novo!

Desejamos-lhe um feliz e abençoado Natal e tudo de melhor para 2024!
December 24, 2023 | Brussels, Belgium

COP28 – Membros da WAIFC planeiam um legado para os centros financeiros pós COP28

Os membros da WAIFC reuniram-se durante o recente evento da COP28, marcado por uma série de sessões impactantes.
December 21, 2023 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Centros financeiros da UE reuniram-se em Paris para debater a competitividade da UE

Na passada sexta-feira, durante uma reunião marcante, a WAIFC participou numa impactante Roundtable de Centros Financeiros da UE em Paris.
December 21, 2023 | Paris, France
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WAIFC comemorou os vencedores do Young Academic Award 2023 em Nova York

Os três finalistas que tiveram a oportunidade única de apresentar as suas investigações na Reunião Geral Anual da WAIFC em Nova York.
October 20, 2023 | New York, USA
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Os líderes da WAIFC reuniram-se com importantes académicos da Universidade de Harvard

A WAIFC visitou recentemente a Universidade de Harvard, nos EUA.
October 20, 2023 | Cambridge, USA
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Membros da WAIFC assinam o compromisso « Mulheres nas finanças » em Nova York

Com a Assembleia Geral Anual da WAIFC em curso em Nova Iorque, iniciámos um compromisso abrangente para promover a igualdade de género no setor financeiro.
October 19, 2023 | New York, USA
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Reunião Geral Anual da WAIFC em Nova York

A WAIFC realizou a sua Assembleia Geral Anual em Nova Iorque e nomeou três novos membros do conselho. A reunião enfatizou a unidade, o compromisso com a missão da WAIFC e as futuras estratégias de expansão.
October 19, 2023 | New York, USA
Pohot 4

WAIFC estabelece relações com líderes financeiros em Chicago: Um Encontro de Mentes e Mercados

O recente estabelecimento de relações da WAIFC com os luminares financeiros de Chicago: uma confluência de visionários, líderes de mercado e inovadores.
October 17, 2023 | Chicago, USA
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Top três artigos do WAIFC Young Academic Award 2023

Os três finalistas terão a oportunidade única de apresentar a sua investigação na Assembleia Geral Anual do WAIFC em Nova Iorque.
October 16, 2023 | New York
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A World Alliance of International Financial Centers está a comemorar seu quinto aniversário

Uma revisão das realizações da WAIFC e olhar para o futuro para uma maior cooperação entre os principais centros financeiros internacionais.
October 1, 2023 | Brussels, Belgium
New Webinar Series

Nova Série Global de Webinars sobre IA Generativa em Serviços Financeiros

WAIFC anuncia a sua segunda série global de webinars sobre Inteligência Artificial.
August 19, 2023 | Brussels, Belgium
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O Caminho para a Ação Climática da WAIFC: Roundtable do Webinar COP28

A WAIFC convocou IFC's de todo o mundo para uma roundtable que promove a colaboração ativa para a acessibilidade ao financiamento climático.
July 25, 2023 | Brussels, Belgium
Inclusive Fintech Forum 2023

WAIFC junta-se ao Fórum Inclusivo de FinTech, organizado pela IFC Kigali

Representantes da WAIFC discutiram no Grande Debate sobre o Papel dos Centros Financeiros no Desenvolvimento da FinTech.
June 21, 2023 | Kigali, Rwanda

WAIFC participa nos Astana Finance Days e Astana International Forum

A WAIFC participou recentemente nos Astana Finance Days e no Astana International Forum, dois eventos de prestígio realizados no Cazaquistão.
June 7, 2023 | Astana, Kazakhstan
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Evento conjunto da Casablanca Finance City e FMF em Casablanca

Frankfurt, um centro financeiro, e Casablanca, um centro financeiro em África, uniram forças numa parceria dinâmica destinada a promover o crescimento económico e a colaboração.
May 25, 2023 | Casablanca, Morocco
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WAIFC explora ferramenta regulatória baseada em IA e empreendedorismo social com a Universidade de Cambridge

A WAIFC visitou recentemente a Universidade de Cambridge, no Reino Unido, para participar numa série de discussões com duas importantes iniciativas da Judge Business School – o Regulatory Genome Project (RGP) e o Cambridge Centre for Social Innovation (CCSI).
May 3, 2023 | Cambridge, UK
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Representantes da WAIFC reúnem-se com líderes da City of London

Recentemente, a WAIFC teve a oportunidade de se reunir com várias figuras proeminentes da indústria financeira, incluindo Chris Hayward, Sir Peter Estlin e o Prof. Michael Mainelli.
April 20, 2023 | London, UK
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WAIFC dá as boas-vindas à EnterpriseNGR como o mais novo membro de África, representando o centro financeiro de Lagos

O Conselho de Administração da WAIFC aprova a adesão da EnterpriseNGR em Londres, expandindo o alcance da aliança para a África.
April 19, 2023 | London, UK
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Líderes da WAIFC reúnem-se em Londres a convite do TheCityUK

A WAIFC reunir-se-á em Londres para uma Reunião do Conselho de Administração e Assembleia Geral Extraordinária de 18 a 21 de abril de 2023.
April 14, 2023 | London, UK
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Webinar conjunto com a AIFC sobre recuperação sustentada e crescimento das PME

A WAIFC e a sua rede de membros chegaram a um forte consenso de que a sustentabilidade e o crescimento inclusivo são essenciais para os centros financeiros do futuro e que as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) são fundamentais para acelerar esses esforços.
February 27, 2023 | Online
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Reunião da Roundtable de Centros e Federações Financeiras da UE em Paris

A Roundtable de Centros Financeiros da UE reuniu-se em Paris, reunindo representantes dos centros financeiros mais proeminentes da Europa e da Autoridade Europeia dos Valores Mobiliários e dos Mercados (ESMA).
February 23, 2023 | Paris, France

WAIFC Young Academic Award 2023

Convidamos jovens académicos a submeter comunicações ou ensaios sobre o futuro de um setor financeiro sustentável e inclusivo.
February 11, 2023 | Brussels, Belgium
Happy New Year Of The Rabbit Waifc

Feliz Ano Novo Lunar 2023!

Um Feliz e Prospero Ano do Coelho!
January 21, 2023 | Brussels, Belgium
New Chair

Keiichi Aritomo sucede a Jennifer Reynolds como Presidente do Conselho de Administração da WAIFC, e Lamia Merzouki torna-se a primeira Vice-Presidente da WAIFC

Com uma base crescente de membros, ambos vêem o potencial e o valor do envolvimento com outros centros a nível global.
January 2, 2023 | Brussels, Belgium
Season’s Greetings 2023


Boas festas! Que a Paz e a Alegria estejam convosco hoje e ao longo do Ano Novo. Gostaríamos de expressar a nossa mais profunda gratidão por todo o vosso apoio ao longo de 2022. Muito obrigado!
December 23, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium
Banner Publication Financial

Relatório da WAIFC sobre “Como os Principais Centros Financeiros Avançam a Inclusão e Literacia Financeira”

O relatório descreve o trabalho dos centros financeiros na promoção da educação e alfabetização financeira.
December 14, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium
Banner Publication

Relatório WAIFC sobre "Apoio ao Ecossistema para a Recuperação e Crescimento Sustentado das PMEs”

A publicação baseia-se em conhecimentos especializados partilhados e parcerias trans-sectoriais fornecidas por vários centros financeiros.
November 28, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium

Conversas do CFC com os líderes da WAIFC

Os nossos representantes daWAIFC participaram num novo episódio apresentado pelo nosso membro Casablanca Finance City.
November 8, 2022 | Casablanca, Morocco

A Assembleia Geral Anual da WAIFC em Casablanca

A Aliança Mundial reúne-se em Casablanca para a sua AGM 2022 e acolhe FinanceMalta e Jersey Finance como novos membros.
October 26, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium
WAIFC - Young academic award 2022

Celebração dos vencedores do Prémio WAIFC Jovem Académico WAIFC

Quatro candidatos foram seleccionados para integrar a delegação da WAIFC e apresentar os seus documentos em Marrocos.
October 21, 2022 | Casablanca, Morocco
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A WAIFC reuniu-se com o Ministro do Investimento do Reino de Marrocos em Rabat

Os líderes da WAIFC encontraram-se com S.E. Mouhcine Jazouli, Ministro do Investimento do Reino de Marrocos, para discutir questões de desenvolvimento de centros financeiros e oportunidades para Marrocos.
October 20, 2022 | Rabat, Morocco

Os líderes da WAIFC reúnem-se em Casablanca para a sua primeira Reunião Geral Anual no continente africano

A Cidade Financeira de Casablanca vai acolher a Assembleia Geral Anual da WAIFC em Casablanca de 19-21 de Outubro de 2022.
October 19, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium

Os quatro melhores trabalhos da WAIFC Young Academic Award 2022

Os quatro finalistas que terão a oportunidade única de apresentar as suas pesquisas na Assembleia Geral Anual da WAIFC em Casablanca. Por favor, votem no vosso trabalho favorito.
October 10, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium
Circular Economy

WAIFC em parceria com a Revolve Circular organizou uma mesa redonda sobre Financiamento da Economia Circular

Com a participação de uma série de economistas de alto nível, peritos, gestores de fundos e membros da WAIFC, o objectivo da mesa redonda era aumentar a sensibilização para os modelos da Economia Circular.
September 22, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium
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A Assembleia Geral Anual doa WAIFC terá lugar em Casablanca este ano

A convite da Cidade Financeira de Casablanca, representantes da WAIFC reunir-se-ão em Casablanca no dia 20 de Outubro para a Assembleia Geral Anual da WAIFC de 2022.
August 18, 2022 | Casablanca, Morocco
Workshop 6

WAIFC organized a workshop at the Paris EUROPLACE International Financial Forum

WAIFC leaders discussed the future of financial centers on a panel moderated by our Managing Director Jochen Biedermann, by invitation of Arnaud de Bresson, CEO of Paris EUROPLACE.
July 12, 2022 | Paris, France
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Forty-nine researchers from all over the world participate in the WAIFC Young Academic Award 2022

A mixed jury of WAIFC leaders and professors from WAIFC member countries will select the three winners and invite them to WAIFC’s AGM in Casablanca in October.
July 1, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium

WAIFC participated in the Astana Finance Days on June 27-29

WAIFC leaders spoke on two panels moderated by our Managing Director Jochen Biedermann.
June 27, 2022 | Nursultan, Kazakhstan
The Future Of Financial Centers Publication

WAIFC Publication on "The Future of Financial Centers," in partnership with DIFC and Z/Yen

WAIFC, DIFC, and Z/Yen spearhead global thinking on the future role of financial centers.
June 27, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium / Dubai, U.A.E.
Ifc Panel 26

IFC Panels on Sustainable Finance

By invitation of Rwanda Finance, WAIFC leaders discussed the Sustainable Finance agenda in Africa and Europe.
March 24, 2022 | Kigali, Rwanda
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Meeting of the WAIFC Board of Directors & Extraordinary General Meeting in Kigali

WAIFC leaders witnessed Sub-Saharan African growth and the crucial role of Kigali International Financial Center in supporting it.
March 23, 2022 | Kigali, Rwanda
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President Kagame invites WAIFC leaders to his office

WAIFC representatives met the President of Rwanda today to discuss the development of the Kigali international financial center.
March 22, 2022 | Kigali, Rwanda
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WAIFC participates in the FinCity.Tokyo Global Forum 2022

Several WAIFC board members spoke about the collaboration among financial centers in the Post COVID19 era.
February 2, 2022 | Tokyo, Japan
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WAIFC Young Academic Award 2022

We invite young academics to submit papers or essays on the future of a sustainable and inclusive financial sector.
February 1, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium

Happy Lunar New Year 2022!

WAIFC would like to wish you a healthy, prosperous, happy Lunar New Year. We wish you fullness of the vigour and vitality of the Tiger.
January 27, 2022 | Brussels, Belgium
Difc Waifc Dp Roundtable

DIFC and WAIFC Data Privacy Roundtable

DIFC and WAIFC organized the first Roundtable on "How Financial Centers Around the World Can Work Together to Support Data-Enabled Sharing and Trade for Business" today.
January 26, 2022 | Dubai, U.A.E.

Season’s Greetings

Best wishes for the holiday season and health and happiness throughout the coming year.
December 24, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium

Roundtable of EU Financial Centers and Federations as a regional chapter of the WAIFC established

The Roundtable will promote the creation of a common EU financial market and financial services cooperation between EU member states.
November 9, 2021 | Luxembourg
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WAIFC Annual General Meeting in Dubai

The World Alliance meets in Dubai for its AGM 2021 and welcomes the Italian Banking, Insurance and Finance Federation as its 21st member.
October 26, 2021 | Dubai, U.A.E.
Expo Dubai Panel

Joint webinar with Stuttgart Financial on accelerating Sustainable Finance

By invitation of Stuttgart Financial, WAIFC leaders met at the Expo Dubai to discuss the role of financial centers in managing the transition.
October 25, 2021 | Dubai, U.A.E.
Financial Centers On The Road To Cop26

Joint webinar with FC4S on "Financial Centers on the Road to COP26"

In our webinar ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, we discussed what financial centers have achieved so far and what they expect from COP26.
October 13, 2021 | Dublin, Ireland
Banner Banking Regulation

WAIFC Publication on the "Impact of COVID-19 on the Future of Banking Regulation"

Global financial centers call for regulation to help support post-COVID recovery.
August 31, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium
Waifc Agm 2021

The WAIFC Annual General Meeting will be held this year in Dubai

By invitation of the DIFC, WAIFC members will meet in Dubai on 26 October for WAIFC’s Annual General Meeting 2021.
August 10, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium
Banner Regulatory Co Operation

WAIFC Publication on "How international financial centers can help drive international regulatory cooperation post-COVID-19"

Global financial centers unite in a call for increased international regulatory cooperation to support COVID-19 recovery.
June 28, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium
Astana Finance Days 2021

WAIFC and AIFC co-organize a panel at the Astana Finance Days

Jennifer Reynolds will give a keynote on the panel on "The Role of International Financial Centers in Attracting International Capital" on 02 July.
June 21, 2021 | Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Sca Landscape

Stichting Capital Amsterdam joins WAIFC and becomes its 20th member

WAIFC welcomes Stichting Capital Amsterdam as a new member as well as Arif Amiri and Abdullah Al Rabiei as new board members.
June 3, 2021 | St. Petersburg, Russia
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New Global Webinar Series on Artificial Intelligence in Finance

WAIFC announces its new global webinar series in partnership with the World Economic Forum and NVIDIA.
April 28, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium
Banner Sme Finance Regulation

WAIFC Publication on "SME Finance: How regulators can ensure speedy and sustainable recovery from COVID-19"

This report analyzes regulatory and supervisory interventions and how critical those interventions have been for business continuity during the crisis so far.
April 22, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium

Dubai International Financial Centre joins the WAIFC

DIFC joins the WAIFC as the fourth financial center from the GCC, bringing its membership to 19.
March 15, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium / Dubai, U.A.E.
Banner Publication

WAIFC Publication on "Supporting SMEs with Sustained Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery"

As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold across the world in 2020, we began to see the scale of the impact it would have on SMEs globally. The inevitable economic downturn placed severe strain on them and demanded a national and international response.
March 2, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium
Waifc Webinar Logo

Webinar on Supporting SMEs with Sustained Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

We will present our most recent publication on SMEs on 02 March 2021 and discuss its findings and recommendations with international experts.
February 24, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium
Chinese New Year

Happy Lunar New Year!

On the Lunar New Year occasion, WAIFC would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our members and partners for their dedication, contribution, and support over the past extraordinary year.
February 5, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium

Meet us at the Asian Financial Forum 2021

We will have a virtual booth at the Asian Financial Forum in Hong Kong on 18-19 January 2021.
January 18, 2021 | Hong Kong, China
Jennifer And Arnaud

Jennifer Reynolds succeeds Arnaud de Bresson as Chair of the WAIFC's Board of Directors

The WAIFC Board has unanimously elected Jennifer Reynolds, President & CEO of Toronto Finance International, as the new Chair.
January 11, 2021 | Brussels, Belgium / Toronto, Canada
Banner Innovation And Fintech Publication

WAIFC Publication on "Innovation and FinTechs in a Post-Pandemic World"

WAIFC's new report highlights the role of innovation and FinTechs in post-pandemic economic recovery.
December 21, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Webinar Sustainable Finance

Webinar on Sustainable finance in a post-pandemic world

We will present our most recent publication and discuss its findings and recommendations with international experts.
December 9, 2020 | Stuttgart, Germany / Abu Dhabi, UAE
Banner Sustainable Finance Publication

WAIFC Publication on "Sustainable finance in a post-pandemic world – the role of financial centers"

The report provides practical and impactful recommendations on the role that financial centers can play to support the economic recovery through the sustainability agenda.
December 2, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Asian Financial Summit Forum 1

Presentation at the Asian Financial Summit Forum

Our managing director gave a presentation on New Opportunities for Belt and Road Financial Cooperation at the Asian Financial Summit Forum, organized by AFCA.
December 2, 2020 | Guangzhou, China
Board Egm 02.12.20

Meeting of the WAIFC Board of Directors & Extraordinary General Meeting

WAIFC welcomes Nick Barigye and Jong Hwa Kim as new board members.
December 2, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Cbdc Webinar Qfc

Central Bank Digital Currency: Key Developments and Relevance in the Post COVID-19 Monetary Environment

Webinar as part of the Qatar Financial Centres Webcast Series, at the sidelines of our Annual General Meeting
October 21, 2020 | Doha, Qatar
Waifc Forum 2020 1

WAIFC Innovation & Technology Forum has defined the role of financial centers in the fight against COVID-19

The first WAIFC Innovation & Technology Forum was held on 20 October virtually. Leading global experts and leaders of financial and innovation centers discussed solutions aimed at stabilizing the global economy.
October 20, 2020 | Doha, Qatar
Waifc Agm Doha Small

WAIFC Annual General Meeting in Doha

Qatar Financial Centre virtually hosted our Annual General Meeting in 2020.
October 19, 2020 | Doha, Qatar
Rwanda Finance Logo

Rwanda Finance joins the WAIFC as the 3rd African financial center

WAIFC welcomes Rwanda Finance as a new member and Dr. King Au as a new board member.
October 19, 2020 | Doha, Qatar
Waifc Innovation & Technology Forum

First WAIFC Innovation & Technology Forum

We are pleased to announce our first Innovation and Technology Forum. We organize the Forum virtually on 20 October, together with Moscow International Financial Centre and Qatar Financial Centre.
September 30, 2020 | Doha, Qatar
1 Findexable Reset Recovery 2

Third FinTech Webinar with Findexable: Open Banking Innovation. Open Sesame?

In a third FinTech webinar with Findexable, we discussed Open Banking today. A growing list of countries are looking at Open Banking regulation as a way to drive financial services innovation in their own markets, encourage the provision of new services, and improve the customer experience.
July 8, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Astana Finance Days 2020 (2)

International Financial Centers: Sustaining SME Growth in a Post-COVID World – Webinar

Webinar during the Astana Finance Days
July 1, 2020 | Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Waifc Joint Declaration

Joint declaration on the current pandemic

WAIFC promotes international cooperation, sustainable investments, and avoiding the self-defeating lure of protectionism during this global health and economic emergency.
May 27, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Stuttgart Financial Small

Stuttgart Financial joins the WAIFC

WAIFC welcomes Stuttgart Financial as a new member and Zahra Abdel Rassoul as well as Keiichi Aritomo as new board members.
May 15, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Findexable Webinar 07.05.20

Second FinTech Webinar with Findexable: Enabling a great leap forward?

In the second of our series representatives from global financial centers in Doha, Hong Kong, and Luxembourg joined Jochen Biedermann and Simon Hardie to discuss whether the world after lockdown will be more diverse and more digital.
May 7, 2020 | London, UK
Findexable Webinar 30.04.20

FinTech Webinar with Findexable: Regulation, resilience and SMEs focus attention of global financial hubs through corona-crisis

In the first of a 2-part series representatives from global financial centers in London, Paris, and Toronto joined Jochen Biedermann and Simon Hardie to discuss the impact of Covid-19 and the role of financial centers in preparing for recovery.
April 30, 2020 | London, UK
1 Findexable Reset Recovery 2

New FinTech Webinar Series in Partnership with Findexable

Together with Findexable, WAIFC starts a new series of FinTech webinars discussing the road from crisis to opportunities. Register free of charge for the first two webinars on 30 April 2020 and 07 May 2020.
April 24, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Waifc Publication

WAIFC Publication on “The role of financial centers in driving economic growth"

WAIFC announces its first major publication on “The role of financial centers in driving economic growth.”
April 22, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Waifc Coronavirus Report

WAIFC Publication on “How global financial centers can help combat the COVID-19 pandemic"

WAIFC stresses the importance of international cooperation in the fight against the consequences of the corona pandemic for the economy and the financial industry.
April 22, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Coronavirus Sars Cov 2

News and activities of our members in the current crisis

Our members, the leading international financial centers, have launched a wide range of activities to mitigate the effects of the current crisis. We have compiled an overview for you.
April 20, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Fincity Global Forum (2)

WAIFC participates in the FinCity.Tokyo Global Forum

WAIFC representatives participated in a panel at the Global Forum, co-hosted by WAIFC member FinCity.Tokyo and NIKKEI.
March 19, 2020 | Tokyo, Japan
Fincity Tokyo   Without Text

WAIFC welcomes FinCity.Tokyo as a new member

FinCity.Tokyo, the organization of the Tokyo financial center, has become the 16th member of the WAIFC.
March 2, 2020 | Brussels, Belgium
Xinhua 15.01.20 1

Interview with Xinhua News at HK FSDC

Christopher Hui, Executive Director of the HK FSDC, and Jochen Biedermann, Managing Director of the WAIFC gave an interview to the Chinese Xinhua News Agency.
January 15, 2020 | Hong Kong, China
James Lau 14.01.20

Meeting with the Hong Kong SAR Government

During the Asian Financial Forum, WAIFC leaders met the Honorable James Lau, the Hong Kong SAR Secretary for Financial Services & Treasury, for discussions.
January 14, 2020 | Hong Kong, China
Waifc Agm Abu Dhabi 24.10.19

WAIFC Annual General Meeting in Abu Dhabi

WAIFC welcomes the Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council as a new member.
October 24, 2019 | Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Waifc Fintech Abu Dhabi Festival

Fintech Abu Dhabi 2019

WAIFC leaders and FinTech experts took part in the largest Fintech Festival in the MENA region.
October 23, 2019 | Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Earth Small

New section: "Opinions"

On a regular basis, we will share with you an article that was personally written by a member or a senior leader of the WAIFC.
September 24, 2019 | Brussels, Belgium
Waifc Honorary Award 05.07.19

WAIFC Award for Nursultan Nazarbayev, First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

First President Nazarbayev's outstanding service in building a constructive dialogue between global financial centers, inspired by the creation of the AIFC, was honored by the WAIFC.
July 5, 2019 | Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Waifc Board Nur Sultan 02.07.19

Meeting of the WAIFC Board of Directors & Extraordinary General Meeting in Nur-Sultan

WAIFC welcomed TheCityUK, Qatar Financial Centre, and EDB Mauritius as new members.
July 2, 2019 | Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Waifc Fintech Nur Sultan 02.07.19

Meeting of the WAIFC FinTech Initiative in Nur-Sultan

WAIFC leaders and FinTech experts discussed best practices in FinTech talent development.
July 2, 2019 | Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Waifc Fintech Casablanca 26.04.19

Meeting of the WAIFC FinTech Initiative in Casablanca

WAIFC's FinTech Initiative met in Casablanca for discussing best practices in FinTech ecosystem building.
April 26, 2019 | Casablanca, Morocco
Waifc Brussels 01.01.18

Launching of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers

After announcing their strategic alliance in Paris on July 12, eleven financial centers have launched the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC).
October 1, 2018 | Brussels, Belgium
Paris 12.07.18 Small

Financial Services Leaders Announce Establishment Process of the WAIFC

The World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) is a new global strategic alliance to facilitate cooperation and economic growth.
July 12, 2018 | Paris, France

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